Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled or solid-filled sacs that develop in or outside the ovarian follicle. Ovarian cysts may develop as a normal part of the menstrual cycle as the ovaries prepare eggs to release into the fallopian tubes. The cysts are completely harmless, but unfortunately some may be malignant. Ovarian cysts do not give any symptoms unless they have ruptured. When complications occur, abdominal pain, pain during sexual intercourse and difficulty in urinating may appear. These symptoms suggest the presence of ovarian cyst. You will always need more than the above indicators to be sure you have ovarian cyst. Carefully scrutinize the following possible symptoms: Sudden and sharp pain in the lower abdomen which could be on one or both sides of the abdomen, pelvis, vagina, lower back, or thighs; Fullness, heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen; Pressure and/or pain on the bladder and/or rectum; Breast tenderness; Pain before, during or at the end of menstrual period; Irregular menstrual periods, uterine bleeding or spotting; Infertility; Change in frequency or ease of urination (such as inability to fully empty the bladder); Increased level of hair growth especially facial and body hair; Weight gain with its attending fatigue; Nausea and/ or vomiting. The truth remains that ovarian cysts may be asymptomatic although in most cases some of the symptoms listed above will certainly show up. Ovarian cysts are usually found during a routine pelvic exam. Most such cysts are benign and may go away on their own with the passing of time. Those that linger on may be removed by simple natural treatments instead of resorting to surgery from where complications may arise. It is ok to wait for some time, say between one to three months and get re-examined before knowing what treatment course to take. This will help you to note whether the cyst has reduced or increased in size. If the cyst still persists after several menstrual periods, has gotten larger and looks unusual on the ultrasound or even causes severe pain, it may be necessary to remove it surgically. There are also natural treatment ovarian cyst that can work wonderfully in eliminating ovarian cysts. 1. Eliminating caffeine and alcohol, red meats, eggs, reducing sugars, increasing foods rich in vitamin A and carotenoids (e.g., carrots, tomatoes, and salad greens) and B vitamins (e.g., whole grains) can be helpful. 2. Herbal remedies such as chamomile herbal tea (Matricaria recutita), Echinacea or milk thistle can reduce ovarian cyst pain and soothe tense muscles.
The most very frequent problem for women is Ovarian Cysts.It is said that in most cases ovarian cyst is definitely treatable or a mild health condition with that in mind we can never be too careful women must understand fully the nature of this condition because it's a common disease for women and chooses no age group, race or social standing it is able to affect anyone women therefore we have to fully understand its different stages as well as the best ovarian cysts treatment review .
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Natural Treatment Ovarian Cyst Review
Cysts On Ovaries
An ovarian cyst is a sac or pouch that develops in or on the ovary more often during ovulation. These contents are in the form of liquid but they could be solid or a mixture of liquid and solid materials. Even though ovarian cysts are small about the size of a pea or a kidney bean, they grow to the size of a softball or even larger. Large ovarian cysts are quite remarkable because the ovary itself is about the size of a walnut. Ovarian cysts are very common and most of these result in changes in the normal function of ovary and not from new growths.
Indications of an ovarian cyst:
There are many kinds of ovarian cysts and since their size and number also varies they cause a variety of symptoms. Many cysts even do not cause any symptoms and can be discovered during a regular gynecological check up. However, abdominal pain is the first indicator of an ovarian cyst and if the cyst is large you may face pain or feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. These cysts can also bring lower abdominal pain during intercourse.
Other possibility of such pain might be the stem that forms on some cysts and becomes twisted that also stops the normal flow of blood and causes intense burns of pain. If a cyst ruptures, it can cause severe lower abdominal pain along with weakness, nausea or vomiting.
Cyst can also cause other symptoms and can press on the rectum leading to constipation or on the bladder creating an urge to urinate. You should not ignore any of these symptoms as they could also be the signs of a gastrointestinal disturbance or any bladder infection.
Results such as irregular periods and infertility:
Ovarian cysts can cause irregular periods in a condition called polycystic ovaries where by the hormonal system regulating the ovaries is disturbed and may cause to form a large number of cysts. Some women also face trouble in pregnancy.
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Treatment Ovarian Cyst Review-Get Rid Of All Types Of Ovarian Cysts Naturally Within 2 Months and Prevent Their Recurrence
Discover How She Overcame Her Own Ovarian Cysts and Taught Thousands Of Women Worldwide To Eliminate All Their Ovarian Cysts and PCOS Issues Quickly, Safely and Naturally Even If You Have Very Large Ovarian Cysts Even If You Have Endometriosis Even If You Are Menopausal Even If You Have Dermoid Cysts or Multiple Cysts Without Resorting To Drugs or Surgical Procedures Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible! |
by Carol Foster- Nutrition Specialist, Health Consultant, Medical Researcher and Author Are you struggling to get rid of your ovarian cysts? Are you in pain, or feeling anxious for not being able to properly cure your ovarian cysts despite all your efforts ? Are you experiencing irregular periods, pain in your lower abdomen or bloating? Are you afraid of developing cancer or from not being able to have children? If you answered yes, then let me tell you that I know exactly how you feel, because I personally had gone through the same experience years ago. I have battled with chronic ovarian cysts for more than a decade until I have finally found a cure, got rid of the recurring ovarian cysts I was suffering from and got pregnant twice and now i am a proud mother of two healthy children. If you would like to learn how to treat ovarian cysts quickly and safely... without drugs, without risky surgery, without any typical ovarian cysts treatments, and without any side effects, then this will be the most important letter you will ever read. I guarantee it and I've got the results to prove it! Success Story #1: Joanne Spacey"My ovarian cyst has vanished...completely!"
"Dear Carol, I don't know what I would have done without your help. I'm 32 years old and about 7 months ago I started feeling a sharp pain on my right side and my doctor confirmed that I had a 2.7" ovarian cyst. I was on birth control pills for several weeks only to find out that my cyst grew to 3.4". My doctor then suggested surgery. It was a nightmare. The thought of having my ovary removed and never be able to have children was unbearable. Success Story #2: Donna Hobbs"Now, 10 weeks later, the ultrasound says it all. I am finally free from my ovarian cysts. What a relief!"
"Dear Carol, I wanted to thank you and share a bit of my story. I'm 38 years old and I wish I had your information back in 2006 when I lost an ovary because of a fairly Success Story #3: Renne Burgio"My doctor says that my cyst is gone. I cannot describe how wonderful I feel gazing at the ultrasound results"
"Dear Carol, I was diagnosed with 1.8" ovarian cysts and was taking birth control pills per my doctor's suggestions. Weeks and months went by but my ovarian cyst was still there (although it was still the same size). Then I found your amazing book. Convinced that if you have to do something for you to find me atTreatment Ovarian Cyst Review anytime!